Other questions
How do I bookmark the Sidecar Health member portal to my home screen?
For iPhone users: For Android users:
¿Dónde puedo encontrar información sobre Sidecar Health en español?
Para solicitar materiales sobre Sidecar Health en español, llame a Member Care al (855) 282-0822.
How do you protect my health information?
Sidecar Health recognizes the importance of keeping your personal health information secure. You and your family’s personal health information is protected by HIPAA. Check out our HIPAA Notice to learn more.
If I have suggestions, feedback, or complaints, who do I talk to?
Our team is committed to ensuring you have the best possible experience as a Sidecar Health member. If you have any questions or feedback, you can contact Member Care at (855) 282-0822. If you are dissatisfied with us or with the admin...